

Abstrak Diplomasi publik adalah cara bagi sebuah negara untuk menarik perhatian publik asing agar berada di pihak kita. Korea Selatan menjadi salah satu negara yang sukses dalam menjalankan diplomasi publiknya dengan memanfaatkan penyebaran hallyu wave di berbagai negara. Hal ini dikarenakan hallyu wave berhasil dikemas dengan baik dan disebarkan melalui k-pop, k-drama, k-food hingga k-fashion yang pada akhirnya sering ditemukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Di Indonesia penyebaran hallyu wave dapat dikatakan sangat masif terutama dikalangan remaja Indonesia yang kerap mengikuti perkembangannya hingga melahirkan berbagai macam komunitas pecinta Korea. Untuk memfasilitasi hal tersebut pemerintah Korea akhirnya mendirikan Korean Cultural Center dibawah naungan Kedutaan Besar Korea Selatan di Indonesia yang bertugas sebagai agen penyebaran budaya. KCC sering menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan terkait kebudayaan dengan melibatkan masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat...

Jadi Mahasiswa HI ada apa aja sih?

Hai sobat online ku! Sering denger kata “HI” gak sih? Bukan “hai” yang untuk nyapa ya, tapi jurusan HI. Kadang masih banyak orang yang gak tau jurusan ini, padahal ini salah satu jurusan  hits anak sosial. Dulu aku di SMA aja temen-temen aku banyak yang gak tau, dan mereka baru tau ada jurusan ini setelah aku jelasin. Oke kalian gak salah kok, memang ekonomi akutansi dan menejemen menjadi jurusan sejuta umat aka jurusan favorit anak IPS loh ya... Setelah aku masuk jurusan HI alis Hubungan Internasional, bukan hubungan kau dan dia hehehe aku yang tadinya gak begitu tau sebenarnya ini jurusan ngapain aja? Denger namanya aja kayak keren banget widih bakal berhubungan sama “dunia” dong, yaps! Benar sekali di HI bisa dibilang kita pelajarin semuanya. Ekonomi, politik, sejarah bahkan filsafat kita pelajarin di HI menurut aku sih jurusan ini cocok banget buat anak yang IPS garis keras. Dibeberapa kampus pun ada yang mewajibkan mahasiswa nya untuk mengambil satu mata kuliah bahasa asing b...

The Evolving Internet

Devi Ayu Gumilang (106218010) IR-B 2018 (Group 3) The Evolving Internet            The origins of the Internet date back nearly 40 years, with the U.S. military's funding of a research network dubbed Arpanet in 1969. (Carolyn, 2009, p.1). ARPANET, in full Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork purpose was always more than military, but, as more academic facilities connected to it, the network did take on the tentacle-like structure military officials had envisioned. The internet essentially retains that form, although on a much larger scale and arose from a desire to share information over great distance without the need for dedicated phone connections between each computer on a network. The end of ARPANET’s day arrived in 1990 because there is another free and commercial online services like Prodigy, FidoNet, Usenet, Gopher, and many more others rose, and as NSFNET became the internet’s backbone with the introduction of the World Wide Web. ...

Network Based System

Nama: Annisa Lidyanti N (106218064) IR 2 2018 (Group 3) Network-based system       Basic network anatomy is a computer network that is linked in any system of two computers and more. in every computer system, there are 3 essential components, hardware, software, and people. Computer hardware is divided into two main categories,  the system unit, and peripherals. The system unit contains the electronic components used to process and temporarily store data and instructions. These components include the central processing unit, primary memory, and the system board. Peripheral devices are hardware used for input, auxiliary storage, display, and communication. These are attached to the system unit through a hardware interface that carries digital data to and from main memory and processors. Computer software is a collection of computer programs and related data that provides the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it. Any set of inst...

Software in Everywhere

Dhiya Nisrina Pawitranti Rahma Budi ( 106218020) IR2 2018 (Group 3) Communication I n S oftware As in general, every action that we taken should have the rules set in order to run properly .   In software, th e set of rules is called a protocol. The protocol is a set of rules that are used as an exchange of data between devices on a computer. So that it can be also interpreted   that the protocol is a guideline in the course of computer devices. The most widely used and well-known protocol on computer networks is TCP / IP. There are various forms of communication in software. NOS (network operating system), this form is found in systems that have many workstations. The client / server model form where there is one computer that acts as a server while the other computer as a client and a peer-to-peer model where each device has the same position, namely as a server and client. Internet Connection T echnologies There are several links in the communicatio...

Inside The Web

Riris Mariana (106218006) IR2 2018 (Group 3)  The WWW is a very large media that gatherer information that began with the aim of giving a general access to get any documents in the world. In 1989 Tim Berners Lee from CERN explored a protocol on the Internet that became a system that channeled information that could spread throughout the world. And in 1990-1991 Tim Berners Lee discovered three technologies that became the basis of the web that was used at this time, namely HTML, URL and HTTP. And finally Tim Berners Lee discovered the WWW. Initially, Berners Lee's team had the need to arrange lessons from their research and then developed require and became the forerunner of the WWW. In websites there are types of media and there are free plug-ins.Types of media in the website include forms, animations, search engines, songs and videos that can be downloaded for free, and streaming videos. And on the website there are also plug-ins, including: Portable Document Fo...

What We Need to Know on The Internet

Ananda Bilqis Shafira (106218062) IR2 2018 (Group 3) In this 21st era, many advanced technologies created by humans. Technology is progressing and developing rapidly and makes it as if humans can’t live without technology which is indeed very useful for life if it is used wisely and vice versa will harm our lives if we really depend on technology that will make human less productive. Over time the Internet has developed rapidly because of its existence which greatly helps the human race. As a user that use the internet to support our lives, it is better if we understand the functions of applications and computers that are connected to the internet cause internet will be a danger to us if we are not careful in using it because the internet is a free world. This is what we need to know about internet Network Applications  In the world of the Internet, we are familiar with network applications such as instant messages (IMs), text messages (TMs) and teleconferences. Instant m...